Lakeview Life Centre was established to train leaders who would transform their local churches, and communities beyond the church to embrace the message and character of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. The focus of our ministry is to communicate the good news of Jesus in the cultural, religious, and social world of the peoples of India.
The spiritual, academic, and ministry training offered at Lakeview has produced many outstanding school and university educators, church pastors, missionaries, social workers, and since 2018, creative media producers and directors.
Training Leaders.
Transforming Communities.
To provide exceptional Christian Spiritual, Academic & Ministerial education to men and women who will make disciples, equip Leaders and impact the communities they serve.
The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it.
– I Thessalonians 5:24
Recognising the political, social, and religious changes that are sweeping the world and India in the 21st century, Lakeview has widened the scope of our curricula to give students more innovative, creative, and culturally relevant models of ministry. Training in marketplace ministries, focusing on the psychological needs of young people, and upgrading the media and technology component in our curricula opens new avenues of service to transform communities with God’s love. Our upgraded courses provide students with
Sound Biblical knowledge covering the essential elements of Christian faith, doctrine, and practice.
Genuine Christ centered spiritual formation and discipleship leading to a deeper love for God and a desire to please Him in every area of life.
Innovative models of practical instruction and training that will communicate the message of the Bible beyond the circle of traditional churches and Christians.
Contextual, culturally sensitive approaches in ministry that will enable communities and societies to experience the transforming power of the Kingdom of God.
Holistic leadership skills to create and lead Christian churches and agencies to be more effective in God’s service.
Recognising the political, social, and religious changes that are sweeping the world and India in the 21st century, Lakeview has widened the scope of our curricula to give students more innovative, creative, and culturally relevant models of ministry. Training in marketplace ministries, focusing on the psychological needs of young people, and upgrading the media and technology component in our curricula opens new avenues of service to transform communities with God’s love. Our upgraded courses provide students with
Sound Biblical knowledge covering the essential elements of Christian faith, doctrine, and practice.
Genuine Christ centered spiritual formation and discipleship leading to a deeper love for God and a desire to please Him in every area of life.
Innovative models of practical instruction and training that will communicate the message of the Bible beyond the circle of traditional churches and Christians.
Contextual, culturally sensitive approaches in ministry that will enable communities and societies to experience the transforming power of the Kingdom of God.
Holistic leadership skills to create and lead Christian churches and agencies to be more effective in God’s service.
The Christian Scriptures – the Holy Bible, comprising of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments reveal the Eternal Word of God and are the only verbal revelation of God. They are divinely inspired and are therefore infallible, and completely trustworthy in all that they proclaim and teach. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ presents God’s agenda for the world, and so provides the standard for the life of the Christian and the church today.
There is one personal God, Creator of all things, visible and invisible, who is eternally existent in a trinity of persons – Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The central character of God is love which is revealed in His acts of creating, ruling, and redeeming the world.
Jesus Christ is the incarnate Son of God. He was born of a virgin, died on the cross as the perfect sacrifice for man's sins and rose bodily on the third day. He ascended to heaven and now represents believers before God as their High Priest and Advocate.
The Gospel is the proclamation of Jesus’ saving work for the world – his death, burial and resurrection – and calls people to receive him as Lord and Saviour of their lives.
Belief (trust) in Jesus Christ as the only Saviour for sin, leading to repentance from sin, and baptism in water, is the normative response to the gospel found in Scripture. This faith response justifies and forgives the believing sinner and effects his regeneration by the Holy Spirit. Justification and regeneration form the Christian doctrine of salvation.
Every believer in Christ must be continually filled by the Holy Spirit who sanctifies, enables and equips him to glorify God and minister His grace to the world. This filling and ministry is not necessarily accompanied by the manifestation of speaking in tongues.
The church is the Body of Christ on earth and consists of all who have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and are integrated into local gatherings of God’s people. These meetings help believers grow in fellowship with Christ and each other as they minister God’s church and Mission to the world. Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, and therefore, each local assembly has the privilege, under Christ’s authority, to manage its own life and ministry as an autonomous body. The New Testament provides the essential principles of God’s manifesto for the church’s ministry and mission.
Jesus Christ will return to earth in visible and bodily form to judge the living and the dead. Believers will be transformed into glorious beings enjoying eternity in God’s presence while unbelievers will be assigned to judgement and eternal punishment.