At Lakeview, we are honoured to have the opportunity to train servant-leaders who can transform their communities. A big part of the training our students receive is to serve all people by endeavoring to meet them at their deepest need.
In today’s world of accelerated changes, people often feel they cannot cope and that there is very little hope for their difficulties. Lakeview students are trained to be ready to serve by being good listeners who can effectively use what they have learned in the classroom to offer people an empathetic ear and a genuine hand of friendship.
Bachelor of Ministry
Subjects offered
Foundations of Christian Counselling
This offers an investigation into the foundational biblical principles that lie behind the unique format of Christian Counselling. The subject provides a framework that must guide the content and structure of the counselling process
Analysis of Behavioural Psychology
This subject enhances the analytical skills of the learner and encourages the student to identify the various ways human behaviour is affected by people’s environment.
Christian Counselling Skills
This subject offers training in basic counselling skills in order to be an effective Christian counsellor.
Church and Community Wellness
The subject is designed to understand the factors which influence individual and community wellness, and to help the Church work towards this goal.
Master of Ministry
Subjects offered
The Bible and Counselling
This is an investigation into the biblical principles that lie behind the unique format of Christian counselling. The subject provides a framework that must guide the content and structure of the counselling process.
Counselling Skills for Mission
This is a specialised practical study of basic counselling tools and how they can be applied in the context of the contemporary church’s mission. Students will be trained in the use of relevant counselling skills to enhance the quality of holistic Christian care in and beyond the church today.
Marriage and Family Counselling
The subject offers a study of the most useful tools designed to apply specific Christ centred solutions to help Christian marriages and families. The student will be equipped to identify and resolve general marital and family conflicts from a biblical perspective.
Crisis Counselling
The subject is designed to provide an analysis of the emotional results of bereavement and other crises and a solution-based format offering Christ-centred help for sufferers, to provide them with coping skills and encouragement to move forward even in the midst of calamity.